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Sunday 9 January 2011

ITAP LECTURE 7 Mind Mapping and Creative Enviroments

Does the environment you work in effect the work you produce?

My answer to this question would be Yes! The reason I say this is due to the fact that certain environments and anything within those environments can have an influence on the work you produce. E.G if you take your work place to be in your bedroom then you can consider that you will have items in your room which you can be influenced by, such as posters, pictures and mood boards that have images which have been collected over the years. Even magazines, newspapers and books that you might have all include visuals, which can lead onto ideas within your work.

Each person, each individual has a different personality and that also reflects on what kind of environment they have to work in. some environments could be organised, well kept, even labelled and easy to access items, such as materials that you may need for your work. but then again you might come across a work space which is completely the opposite. their could be work scattered everywhere, bits of materials here and there, in general not really organised in any particular way and like i said this all can b reflect on  what kind of work people actually produce.

In some cases some environments can be a piece of work in its self without you even realising, it's actually when someone else points it out to you or you yourself just take a step back and realise this actually pretty good. 

Dark Room

The image above is work space of a photographer and it is a dark room, which to some photographers it's a vital thing to have. This image justifies what I was saying before about having images on a mood board and how it can influence you work. With this photographer they have done just that wall full of olds visuals right next to the work space.

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