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Monday, 4 October 2010

ITAP LECTURE 1: Relationships developed from existing forms of historical culture

When i first observed this image, the first and obvious thing that struck me was it obviously had something to do with beer and that the waves in the image had been constructed using bottle openers. the title of the image was Ashanti Beer, still at this stage i had no idea what it had to do with anything apart from it being a advertisement for beer. But once i saw the original image things made more sense.

Now the original image is called The great wave of Kanga created by Hokusai who was a printer designer, illustrator and painter. Personally myself i have not heard of this artist before or ever came across any of his work. i think that is the main critical point I am trying to make.
The majority of people around the world such as different cultural societies have never or never will come across this image of The great wave of Kanga, the Ashanti beer advertisement or the Japanese artist Hokusai. Relating back to the beer advertisement even though the shape of the waves on both images are the same, even the form .

It has a different purpose all together which is like i said before it is selling beer through this image that is clearly advertising the product. But the way i see it is the whole thing is on a cultural basis, the Japanese community out of any other community maybe would understand more whats going on, how or where did the influence came from and how far back did the ideas come from. The reason I'm saying how far back it is because Hokusai was a 1780's artist. his not one of your modern artist that are still around which their techniques are more contemporary i guess what I'm trying to emphasise is that influence, structure and shape can come from any piece of art dating from any era.

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